Friday, October 14, 2011

No news is good news

Well, I realized today that I need to correct the last post. I wasn't as stoic as I thought. I only went about 10 weeks between check ups. But the good news today is that there are no changes in my condition, and so I won't go back to Dana Farber until the middle of January. Have I mentioned how wonderful my doctor there is? I just really like her a lot. She's kind, funny, patient, compassionate, and smart. Now, back to practicing my Tai Chi moves.....

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I'm a year out from my first NED (No Evidence of new Disease) report. This fall I have gone a total of four months without testing or seeing the doctor. That's the longest ever, and it's been fine. Now as I approach my blood test tomorrow I notice I'm getting a little angsty, but I've learned to believe that I (we) will handle whatever the results bring up. I don't feel really different, so I expect nothing has changed.

I think I should apologize to everyone who got news of my diagnosis from Facebook. What was I thinking to announce it like that? I just didn't know the seriousness of this particular disease, and I was too shaken (and later drunk/drugged) to phone each loved one individually.

I've just found a Tai Chi class to join and hope that will help me deal with constant joint pain.

Fun news: Oregon for the entire month of September was terrific. Neva knows who Grandma and Grandpa G are for sure.

It's apple time here in the northeast. We went to a U-pick orchard and brought home a peck of several apple varieties and made a crockpot of apple butter. That was so easy and delicious that we went to an abandoned golden delicious tree today and picked up a peck of groundfalls and are now brewing our second batch of apple butter. We'll be giving some of it those lucky few who want some.

Please write your congressman when you can and demand that the legislature look immediately into causes and prevention of drug shortages. It's a problem that can potentially devastate each of us: shortages in chemo drugs, anesthesias, and antibiotics. Yikes!