Saturday, April 14, 2012

A year already

It's nearly time to return to West Virginia. A year has passed and it's been a rewarding one. Living with Za for a year has been delightful beyond words. I regret that we cannot be physically as close to Gabe and Robin. Thank goodness for Skype.

Another blessing this year has been the reinforcement of our friendship with David and Barb. We have had some wonderful times with them - always comfortable and easy. It's impossible to think that the easy access we've had to them is about to be withdrawn.

More wonderful friends include our neighbors here in Keene, Jaime and Bonnie. How can it be that we became immediately close to them? I just have to believe in some kind of divine guidance that led us to share a house together. I can totally see them fitting in to the farm community. I want them to visit soon!

As for my health, well, it seems to be pretty much the same. That's a good thing. I suspect that the cancer is there, probably growing slowly. But I'd just as soon believe that it's gone, maybe permanently. The trouble is, I don't feel like it's gone. There's pain and fatigue that won't completely disappear. My CA125 is slightly elevated...still well within normal range, but perhaps creeping upward. My oncologist at Dana Farber is amazing. I will miss her and the trust I put in her. A clinical trial she had me sign on with tested tumor samples and discovered a mutation that could lead to future treatment options. Keeping my fingers crossed in so many ways.

And finally there's this Spring in New England. It is slow to arrive, so that each new thing blooming gets noticed. Soon the fruit trees are going to all be exploding with blossom, and it will be marvelous to see. There's tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, all popping up in the yards nearby.

Tomorrow we climb Mt. Monadnock. I wonder if I can do it?

Postscript:  We did go all the way to the top. 3 days later my thighs still hurt, was worth it.