Friday, April 10, 2015

Five years ago I received the cancer diagnosis, and I thought my life had ended there and then. How wrong I was! It gives me such pleasure to reflect on the last years and all that has happened; all I have learned.

The medical stuff is enormous. I've learned and put to use many ideas. Basically it boils down to this: If you don't take care of yourself, no one else will do it satisfactorily. Even though I respect and like my medical team, they perform better when I am informed and engaged. I've been fortunate that those who have treated me agree.

Clinical trials are my friends, possibly my salvation. I really believe that if I had just followed standard protocol, I wouldn't be doing as well today as I am.

And I AM doing well. Life is almost normal. The side effects of my current treatment are manageable. Through all the last few years we have been able to travel, enjoying numerous adventures. The real impositions are fatigue and remembering to take meds on time. I can live with that.

Oddly enough, cancer has a gift to give. That is the gift of heightened appreciation for every day alive. I savor our marriage, our children, our beautiful home, and dear, dear friendships. I'm not sure I'd recognize those gifts so well if I hadn't received the "death threat" of cancer.

The point of this blog is to say I'm looking forward. I've made it five years and have every indication that there's at least five more coming. I am not a pathetic cancer patient, but rather someone LIVING with a chronic disease. Pffft! I don't even think about it (obsess about it) too much.

Let's dance!