Friday, September 3, 2010

#5 Down!

I didn't really expect to have chemo 5 yesterday. My platelets were too low on Wednesday, but went from 79 on that day to 104 on Friday. Hooray for buffalo burgers!
Now I'm awake at 1:30 AM thanks to the load of steroids I've been given. I'm bracing myself for a hard crash - already feeling yucky in my head. Alicia, my sister, is here until Tuesday to help me ride it out. Last weekend we had Za and Gerrit here to visit for several days. Such glorious visits, I can't complain about a few days of crappiness now, can I?
I received two bits of good news from the doctor on Wednesday. My CA 125 is 33. That is considered within normal range and shows that the chemo is working. With low grade tumors, the CA 125 isn't totally reliable, but that's still good news. And there are no genetic markers indicated from the tests we had done. That means my female relatives can breathe a sigh of relief. But be sure to have check ups every year and make your doctors listen to any weirdness you think is going on with you. Ovarian Cancer is sneaky.
A cold front has moved in, and the air is sweet and fresh. The barred owls hoot down in the hollow behind our house. Maybe, just maybe they'll sing me back to sleep.
Goodnight everyone. I have to thank you over and over for your loving support.

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