Sunday, September 26, 2010

The End of Chapter 2

I had my final round of chemo this past Friday. It feels like the end of a chapter. I'm glad to be done for awhile, give my body a rest, and my psyche too. After 3 weeks I'll go to MD Anderson, have a CT scan, and begin to figure out what's next. Although I'm not optimistic, I do hope to get lucky and at least have a bit of remission. The coolest thing is that I'm not particularly anxious about what's next. I suppose having ridden out a huge surgery, and then this first 6 rounds of chemo, I feel like I can handle what's next. Of course it has all been easier because I have Willie G, Za, Gabe, and Robin's steady encouragement as well as our amazing farm community, Pat and Mike in Houston, Alicia in Kansas. There's also a trip to Oregon to see Neva Jean, Gabe & Robin in my near future, and if that's not something to look forward to, I don't know what is!
Fall has arrived, and I'm going to enjoy it.

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