Saturday, October 23, 2010


On Thursday, Oct. 21, I met with the MD Anderson oncologist to review the results of the previous day's ct scan. He told me that there was no evidence of new disease. This is the best report that I could have hoped for. It was all I could do to keep my composure and not jump up, scream, do a happy dance, kiss and hug everybody in the room.
Now, I know that O/C recurs really, really frequently, but I won't have another test for at least 3 months. I'm going to have as much fun as possible in those 3 months, grow my hair, eat whatever I want, and not think about cancer 24/7. The maintenance drug he recommended is a pill (no more needles) taken daily, and has few side effects. This is a regimin I can live with.
Today I'm on my way to Oregon to see Gabe, Robin, and Neva for a week or so. Life is really, really good.

1 comment:

  1. I guess i'll have to write the latest installment, as Pat seems to think that it is OK to start a Blog and then not contribute every single day.
    We went to our actual doctor today (as compared to the virtual one in Houston). He is happy with the CT and labs and sez things are going well. No, he will not give us a prognosis.
    Pat will have some labs drawn in a month and then in Jan. Until then, she is just taking an oral anti-hormone, eating FRESH food again, and getting her strength back.
