Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Giving Thanks

I thought about writing this to be read at our Wednesday-Before-Thanksgiving gathering. But just imagining doing that made me pretty emotional, so I've decided to write in the blog instead.
I CANNOT be thankful to have cancer...and a nasty one at that, and yet due to my diagnosis I have been made aware every single day of so many reasons to express gratitude. I want to name specific people today and say thank you - and that's not even enough to express how I feel.
Those of you who know Willie G well, know how very faithful he is. I am so lucky to be able to tell him anything. He's my rock, (and boy, have I needed to cling), and my truest love. How people find each other in this big wide world is a mystery to me, but I sure was lucky when Billy Jack showed up in the fall of 1971 with Willie G in his truck.
 And speaking of Billy Jack...he and Soleil have been like Mom and Dad to us, bringing meals, hanging out in the hospital, cheering us on. And they've continued doing all of this throughout Soleil's own medical crisis.

My sister Alicia drove here twice to see me through the roughest patches, held me when I stood at the stove, overwhelmed at the thought of making the morning oatmeal, and kept her lovely sense of humor throughout.

Willie G's sister, Pat and her husband Mike dropped most of their daily routines to take care of us in Houston. The best thing that happened was when Pat and I got the news together that the first 6 rounds of chemo effectively eliminated the disease. We laughed and cried and danced a hugging dance in the conference room.

Mary Jane regularly showed up at my door to hang out. I sure needed those hours of distraction. She and Bill gave us heaps of garden produce when my own neglected garden limped along.

Thanks to Greg and Martha for books and flowers I'm still ploughing through the stacks. Jill sent over Vietnamese pho and a HUGE roast. My red blood cell counts remained high enough to receive chemotherapy on time. From Byron came firewood and garden plants, so thoughtful.

Sandy checks in often, just to see how I'm doing and brings flower gifts and the very necessary pot.. And she and Soleil just KNEW to come and be with me at the night of my diagnosis. I didn't even know that I needed to have someone with me, but they were so totally and lovingly there.

Ammed and Brianne, I'm still using the items from your "Happy Basket." And Brianne that quilt....Oh!

Kathy and Steve, playing Scrabble the night before surgery was the best thing we could have done. Thanks for that time and all the other times you've shared with us, providing a much needed distraction.

 Stephen and Ruth Ann Zoeller have been right there too, holding out hands through some tough days.
And Holly's many, many careful massages. I knowed I healed faster because of them.

Thank you Bobby and Katherine for the mommy-daughter weekend, and for all your messages of love.

Gabe, Za, and Robin: You've been champs. I know how distressing this illness has been for you, but you continue to call almost every day and I cannot tell you how much I love you. Above all, I am so grateful for you darlings. Your father and I are so very proud of the fine people you are. Thank you for being willing to share your lives with us still.

Whew, this is long, isn't it?
So, every day I wake up glad to still be here HERE in my comfortable home, on a beautiful piece of land, surrounded by a community of love. I have received notes of encouragement from people I know through work, church and chorus. I am humbled by the prayers made on my behalf and the unconditional goodwill so many have expressed. Thank you all for helping me know and recognize what really matters in being alive. You've helped me savor this remission and I know I can bear the recurrence should it come to pass.
Happy Thanksgiving
I love you
I am grateful

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